Sunday, May 3, 2009

Empower Students at the Board: Give them an Interactive Board

Student-centered learning is fueled by student led discussion. This year I have given more time to students to lead and share. I realize that the fluid design of my interactive lessons designed for the interactive white board* has directly supported that outcome. Here are some ideas:
  • Create unit based interactive flipcharts or smartbook files with interactive activities that students can lead. Incorporate options for the direction the lesson can take by including different lessons and elements in a unit based flipchart.
  • Give students a chance to share websites and technology tools at the board.
  • Let students lead discussions using formative assessment personal response device tools like activexpressions. In other words: let students ask each other questions, use likert scales, and lead discussions where peers provide text ideas and answers.
* To see some examples of interactive lessons use the Teacher Feature link below left.

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